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Sveti Vlas (St. Vlas)
10 km away from the town of Nessebur is situated the “St. Vlas” village with population of about 3 000 people. Its location is very picturesque. Sheltered in the southern sides of the Balkan Mountains on the seashore, it is a marvelous resort spot. It is believed to have been established by the Thracian tribe of Larisi in the 2nd century BC. In the XIV century it was renamed "St. Vlas" after the patron saint of the cattle growers and merchants. He was a saint, honored by the Christians and the Catholics. In the past there was also a monastery of the same name, burnt down by pirates. During Turkish yoke it was known as "Kyuchuk Manastir" after the monasteries in the vicinity of the village. After the Liberation- in 1886 the village restored its name of St. Vlas. Today it is a famous resort that offers a great combination of sea and mountain climate, considered favourable for the treatment of lung and bone diseases. The beach is about 1 km long. The location of the resort is in the most visited tourist zone in Bulgaria. This is the Bulgarian Riviera, where are situated the most visited resorts.

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Arena 2
Arena 2 - Saint Vlas
Price : From € 1100 / sq. m.
Location : Sveti Vlas (St. Vlas)
Property Type : Apartments
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